Transits Through the Magdalena River: the Boga, the White Men and the Contradictions of Colombian Liberalism in the Mid-19th Century
Samper, José María, radicalism in Colombia, nature and culture, Colombian travelers of the 19th century, bogas of the Magdalena riverAbstract
By means of investigating the relationship between the economic and political imagination of liberalism in the mid-19th century in Colombia with the inter-tropical ambience, this essay shows how, during his 1848-1865 period as a radical liberal, José María Samper (1828-1881) presents the hostility of nature as a sufficient reason to justify its domination, provided that its incorporation into the circuit of the capital is obviously equivalent to the domination of its inhabitants. The lands next to the upper Magdalena river are represented by Samper in his texts of Viajes de un colombiano en Europa (1862) as transit places instead of living spaces which should be left behind because they do not respond to the productive plans of capital. The low Magdalena is presented in Samper’s work as an area of unhealthy and hot weather and of undisciplined people almost driven to the extent of crime. This aspect also shows the manner in which what is not integrated into the agricultural frontier should be negatively represented as a way to legitimate in the future its incorporation into the dynamics of market under some methods that not always become pacific.
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