The Essay: Self-Figuration and Self-Representation of the Childhood in Diario by Hernando Téllez Juan Camilo Galeano Sánchez


  • Juan Camilo Galeano Sánchez EAFIT University



Téllez, Hernando, Diario, self-figuration, self-representation, essay, childhood


As the essay is one of the literary genres that are currently less explored in Colombia, this article seeks to revise its structural characteristics and background through its theoretical characterization and the analysis of two of its main components: self-figuration and self-representation. In order to test this review, the essays included in the text Diario by Bogotá’s writer Hernando Téllez are approached. Those texts directly refer to the figure of the infant to determine the relevance of exposing himself in order to generate different points of view according to the reception of the work.

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How to Cite

Galeano Sánchez, J. C. (2012). The Essay: Self-Figuration and Self-Representation of the Childhood in Diario by Hernando Téllez Juan Camilo Galeano Sánchez. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (29), 99–122.


