Dark Women: Prostitution and Godmother Relationships in La novia oscura by Laura Restrepo and Nuestra señora de la noche by Mayra Santos-Febres


  • Manuel Apodaca Valdez University of Southern Indiana




prostitution, historical novel, genre studies, godmother, La novia oscura, Restrepo, Laura, Nuestra señora de la noche, Santos-Febres, Mayra


This is a comparative study of two historical novels: La novia oscura by Laura Restrepo and Nuestra señora de la noche by Mayra Santos Febres. This study explores the narrative features of historical novels written by Latin American women in postmodernism, their thematic and stylistic similarities, and the historical-cultural conditions in which their facts are developed. Similarly, godmother relationships among sex work women are approached as a palliative for abandoned children, offering a subjective, feminine and realistic point of view on prostitution. This represents a different perspective from the other that has been established in former generations and in other regions of the world.

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How to Cite

Apodaca Valdez, M. (2012). Dark Women: Prostitution and Godmother Relationships in La novia oscura by Laura Restrepo and Nuestra señora de la noche by Mayra Santos-Febres. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (29), 123–145. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.12914


