Efraím Medina: Narcissism and Provocation. Are These Shortcuts to a New Narrative Canon?
Medina Reyes, Efraím, contemporary Colombian narrative, literary cannon, contemporary novelAbstract
This study explores the literary production of Efraím Medina. It represents an exercise of interpretation about the way in which the aesthetics of the author performs. Such an exercise is aimed to analyze a work that devotes itself to question the success of authors of the literary cannon of modern writing in Latin America and some of their cultural premises and aesthetical achievements. Medina’s work also offers manifestations of an open rebellion against an establishment that appears not be appropriately functioning, an attitude that may be in line with postmodern allegations. What does Medina look for with his instigating and unruly attitude? The developing of the current study aims to elucidate his aesthetic posture which is in conformity with the vital attitudes and practices performed by the author throughout his own historic life.
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