Transgression as an Objective in Two Novels by Jorge Franco: Melodrama and Santa suerte


  • Gina Ponce de León University of Colorado Boulder



post-colonial criticism, borderlines, women representation, marginal groups, transgression, Franco, Jorge, Melodrama, Santa suerte


Two novels by the Colombian writer Jorge Franco, Melodrama (2006) and Santa suerte (2010) represent women pushed to extreme conditions to which they have been expelled by force of the ambiance where they live. The representation of women in these two novels is not ordinary allocating their characters into a kind of borderline scenario. It means a kind of unknown frontier although it eventually becomes illustrative of contemporary times. These novels portray ordinary women who work to survive and their personal histories can be seen as habitual in our daily life. These novels can be analyzed by means of the post-colonial criticism because the characterization of those female roles allows to considering an underclass that has been undermined by the dominant power and the hierarchical ranking of our culture. These women establish a new identity shaped by their strength and an irreconcilable attitude toward the society that is still subjugating them. What motivates us to analyze this representation is its powerful profile and the portrayal of a cultural group that has been suffocated to the levels observed in these novels.

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Bhabha, Homi K. (2004). The Location of Culture. 2.ª ed. Nueva York: Routledge.

Franco, Jorge. (2006). Melodrama. Bogotá: Planeta.

---. (2010). Santa suerte. Bogotá: Planeta.

Gandhi, Leela. (1998). Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction. Nueva York: Columbia University Press.

Ponce de León, Gina. (2011). La novela colombiana posmoderna. Bogotá: Rocca.



How to Cite

Ponce de León, G. (2012). Transgression as an Objective in Two Novels by Jorge Franco: Melodrama and Santa suerte. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (29), 217–235.


