Archives and Libraries: the Linguistic Gap as Vanishing Point in Andrés Caicedo’s Narrative


  • Javiera Barrientos Guajardo University of Chile



Caicedo, Andrés, translation, Poe, Edgar Allan, intertextuality


Andrés Caicedo, Colombian writer during the 70's, finds himself amongst a complex narrative scene. When writing he uses Edgar Allan Poe's name and texts as compulsory quotes, rewriting him in a context linguistically distant from that of its intertext. His writing works, then, interms of an always-discordant translation, because his readings are mediated, on the one hand, by Julio Cortázar's versions of Poe and, on the other, by Roger Corman's B movie versions of the North American writer.

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Author Biography

Javiera Barrientos Guajardo, University of Chile

Bachelor of Arts from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. She is currently studying a Master's degree in Literature at the University of Chile and is writing her thesis on the printed culture and the European emblem of the 16th century. Her research areas focus on the studies and history of the book and the written word, both contemporary and ancient.


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How to Cite

Barrientos Guajardo, J. (2014). Archives and Libraries: the Linguistic Gap as Vanishing Point in Andrés Caicedo’s Narrative. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (34), 35–61.


