Transpolitical Violence in the Colombian Story: An Analysis of an Emerging Citizenship Through the Story “Álbum de billetera” by Rodrigo Parra Sandoval
transpolitical violence, literature, Colombian story, relationship subject-world, citizenshipAbstract
From a literary analysis alternative proposal this article searching elucidate the category: transpolitical Violence (Baudrillard), which portrays the interaction of society and its codes of domination, making an aesthetic displacement on the literature, as central concept that will allow understand the plexuses that represent narratively the subject and the relationship that the subject has with the world, from the that emerges the figure of the citizen-subject, with the hope that these analytical dimensions will promote new citizenship education processes. In this article take the colombian story: “Álbum de billetera” from writer Rodrigo Parra, as an example of analytical course that article propose.
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