Idiotism and criticism: an approach to the demolishing character of Suenan timbres by Luis Vidales
literary studies, poetry, literary criticism, literary analysis, Luis vidales, Suenan timbresAbstract
In this paper we study Luis Vidales debut opera, Suenan timbres, as the possible destabilising element of the catholic-conservative order in Colombia’s early 20th century, in frame of Los Nuevos. Besides, we study the concept of idiotism presented by Vidales, as a key factor in the assimilation of his aesthetic proposal, and his closeness with Kant’s nonage that allows the writer to present a poetic piece, with strong political content and clear renewal intentions, that act as a critic to the traditionalist society, determined by the colonial precepts. This way in Suenan timbres, Vidales appears in the national panorama as a poet of the critique.
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