Voices from Rafael Humberto Moreno-Durán’s archive: “Capítulo catalán”


  • Juan Carlos Rodríguez Argáez University of Los Andes




Rafael Humberto Moreno-Durán, Capítulo catalán, autobiography, archive, Latin American literature


This article is developed within the framework of the recovery of the archive of the Colombian writer Rafael Humberto Moreno-Durán. On the one hand, an unpublished text found in his archive is analyzed (“Parábola sobre el retorno, trece años después”), and it is determined that, at some point, it would be part of “Capítulo catalán” (1985). On the other hand, we discuss the reasons why the “Capítulo Catalán” is considered the cornerstone of his autobiographical project (La augusta sílaba), and how in this the author intends to outline and constitute a moment of Colombian and Latin American literature later to the Latin American “boom”.

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How to Cite

Rodríguez Argáez, J. C. (2019). Voices from Rafael Humberto Moreno-Durán’s archive: “Capítulo catalán”. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (45), 85–104. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.n45a05