Mise en abyme and narrative self-awareness in Basura by Héctor Abad Faciolince
mise en abyme, narrative self-awareness, mirror, reader, Hector Abad FaciolinceAbstract
This article has as main objective to examine, in particular, the metafictive procedures of mise en abyme and narrative self-awareness that operate in the novel Basura(2000), which reveals a self-conscious writing process exteriorized through specular comments that confirm the presence of the “mirror” between the interleaved texts and the narrative framework containing them. For that purpose, this article is founded on Lucien Dällenbach and Jaime Rodriguez theoretical principles, which play as a bridge to illustrate how the variety of intertextual games offered in the novel, shape a specular vision of the author-character in its creation processand they help to reflect on artistic work. Likewise, to identify how the action is re-figurated both by the narrator-character and by the extradiegetic reader in its passage through the three mimesis proposed by Paul Ricœur.
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