La Siesta: periódico literario (1886): an Unfinished Literary and Liberal Project
La Siesta, literary press, Regeneration, liberal ideology, 19th CenturyAbstract
This article characterizes La Siesta: periódico literario (1886), draws up some key points of its formation project as reader and liberal community during the Regeneration (1878-1900) and points out a possible reason of its censorship. The main editors were Juan de Dios Uribe (1853-1900) and Antonio José Restrepo (1855-1933), both men of letters and liberal politicians. Even though the Press Literary Studies of the Colombian 19th Century is not new, La Siesta is not well-known nowadays. Its literary and political content offers other perspectives to understand the textual production of the period and enriches the historiographic studies of the national literature.
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