The aesthetics of destruction: material objects in Viaje al interior de una gota de sangre by Daniel Ferreira




Daniel Ferreira, material object, metarepresentation, Colombian literature


This article reflects on the symbolic function of material objects in Daniel Ferreira’s novel Viaje al interior de una gota de sangre. It starts with the lack of useful approaches to materiality in literature to put forward some analysis categories with which to read material objects. The contributions of W.J.T. Mitchell are indispensable to think the visual character responsible for the formulation of these categories. The novel analysis from the material perspective enlightens inter and extra-textual relationships that correspond to matters of the agency of the object and of national memory.

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How to Cite

Gálvez Granada, J. (2020). The aesthetics of destruction: material objects in Viaje al interior de una gota de sangre by Daniel Ferreira. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (47), 189–206.