Writing failure in Sin remedio by Antonio Caballero





Antonio Caballero, Sin remedio, failure, nihilism, violence


Although Antonio Caballero is widely recognized as an essential critical voice in Colombian contemporary cultural sphere, his work as a novelist has not received the critical attention it deserves. This article argues that Sin remedio (1984), his only novel, ignites crucial reflections about the function of literary fiction vis-à-vis the sociocultural conditions that defined the last decades of the twentieth century in Colombia. Through an analysis of the existential crisis of the main character, I argue that Caballero builds that character as a mirror of an individual failure whose collective resonances suggest the need to rethink the social and political function of the writer in times of violence.

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Author Biography

Martín Ruiz Mendoza, University of Michigan

Professional in Languages and Sociocultural Studies and Master in Philosophy from the Universidad de Los Andes. He is currently a doctoral fellow in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan, where he teaches courses on Latin American literature and film.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Mendoza, M. (2020). Writing failure in Sin remedio by Antonio Caballero. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (47), 113–128. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.n47a06