(In)visible Violence(s) in Tomás González's Workd: The case of Primero estaba el mar, Temporal and Abraham entre bandidos





Tomás González, violence, Slavoj Žižek, Byung-Chul Han, Johan Galtung


Murders, tortures, rapes and terrorist attacks are not predominant topics in Primero estaba el mar, Temporal and Abraham entre bandidos. The three Tomas González’s novels differ, therefore, from the graphic representation of violence that has proliferated in Colombian media and almost monopolized Colombian literary production since 1990’s. This article tries, nonetheless, to demonstrate that violence is still there, beyond the visible and the immediate. Based on Johan Galtung’s, Slavoj Žižek’s y Byung Chul-Han’s theoric reflections on violence, this article addresses significant as: Why is so difficult to recognize, classify and enunciate violence in the Colombian literary context?

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Author Biography

Pablo Guarín Robledo, University of The Andes

Pablo Guarín Robledo is a student of the Master of Literature at the University of The Andes and a graduate assistant from the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the same university. His research interests are focused on the representation of violence in contemporary Latin American literature and cinema and, especially, in the way in which they relate to the media and its particular tendency to yellowness, violence-spectacle and the gruesome images. He has also occasionally dabbled in soccer chronicle and creative writing; Pablo is co-author of the short story book Football as we pleased, published at the end of 2020.


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How to Cite

Guarín Robledo, P. (2020). (In)visible Violence(s) in Tomás González’s Workd: The case of Primero estaba el mar, Temporal and Abraham entre bandidos. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (48), 263–280. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.n48a16