The Free verse in “Poemas de la yolatría” of Suenan timbres by Luis Vidales


  • Luis Eduardo Lino Salvador National University of San Marcos



Luis Vidales, Suenan timbres, Colombian poetry, free verse


This article studies the elements that make up free verse in the section “Poemas de la yolatría” of Suenan timbres by Luis Vidales from the theoretical approach of modern versology. The hypothesis proposes that free verse updates meters of the traditional verse; as well as it also operates with semantic rhythmic groups and parallels to recreate them and elaborate a free verse of its own characteristic of Vidales. The work develops the microtextual analysis of the four poems in said section, then with the interpretation of the poem "El hueco" and, finally, with the conclusions.

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How to Cite

Lino Salvador, L. E. (2020). The Free verse in “Poemas de la yolatría” of Suenan timbres by Luis Vidales. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (48), 171–189.