Existence and Presence of Maín Ximénez in the Life and Work of Porfirio Barba Jacob
Porfirio Barba Jacob, Ricardo Arenales, Maín Ximénez, Colombian poetry, poetics, biographyAbstract
Maín Ximénez is the first pseudonym of the Colombian poet Porfirio Barba Jacob. Through a biographical journey across Barba Jacob’s childhood and early youth, I trace the origins of Maín considering the correspondence, autobiographical writings and archives of the time. I inquire into the publications in which he appears and examine the transition from the real to the literary plane, in order to understand the meaning and transcendence of the name. I address his birth, paying special attention to how Maín migrates to the poem to embody his poetic project, conceived from a wild rural environment with the creation of Maín at the center of his scriptural concerns.
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