“La mas dolorida i avergonsada de todas las mugeres”: sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Ofrecimientos para el Santo Rosario in sor Josefa de Castillo’s prayer book (1671-1742)
Body without Organs, Prayer Book, Copy, Imitation, Marian EpistemologyAbstract
Based on the Body without Organs proposal, this article analyzes the discovery of sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Ofrecimientos para el Santo Rosario de quince misterios que se ha de rezar el día de los Dolores de Nuestra Señora la Virgen María, in the Poor Clare nun sor Josefa de Castillo’s prayer book. First, the contents of this manuscript, which is a task initiated by Darío Achury, are presented in full. Then, the article reflects on translatio and imitatio as literary practices of epistemological appropriation and redistribution for the consolidation of a project of feminine self-government.
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