Integration Analysis of the Four Foundational Stories of the Novel El Día Señalado [The appointed day] by Manuel Mejía Vallejo
Manuel Mejía Vallejo, El día señalado, La Violencia literature, sociology of literature, pragmaticsAbstract
The novel El día señalado by Manuel Mejía Vallejo (1964) is structured around four previously published short stories: Aquí yace alguien [Here Lies Someone], Las manos en el rostro [Hands on the Face], Miedo [Fear] and La venganza [Revenge]. This paper analyzes the relationship between the short stories and the novel, based on the modifications that allow them to be integrated into the larger work. To this end, a novel articulation between the sociology of literature (Sartre, 1950; Bourdieu, 1990) and pragmatics (Anscombre y Ducrot, 1983; Sperber y Wilson, 2004) is proposed, identifying the argumentative strategies and relevant mechanisms in the context of the author's social commitment and habitus. Among the findings, it is shown that, from the pragmatic point of view, mechanisms of enrichment and informative structure predominate; while, from the sociology of literature point of view, the lines of meaning related to the social structure sphere and bipartisan violence appear as predominant.
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