The Literary and Historical Traces of Wiwa and Orika, Seeking Other Perspectives
Wiwa, Orika, San Basilio de Palenque, Germán Espinosa, feminismAbstract
This article analyzes the literary and historical legacies of two female characters from San Basilio de Palenque: Wiwa and Orika, two Africans, mother and daughter, originally from Guinea Bissau who were enslaved in Cartagena de Indias at the end of the 16th century. From a sociological and literary approach, centered on cultural studies and the theoretical contributions of decolonial feminism and black feminism, the study analyzes the fragmented representations of Wiwa and Orika in Colombian literature and history. Specifically, it explores their depiction in the short story Orika de los palenques by Germán Espinosa, and more generally in the collective memory observed in Cartagena and San Basilio during fieldwork with the social leader Solvay Cecilia Cáceres Cabarco. This approach allows to redefine the profiles of these two Afro-Colombian heroines who, while not forgotten, are subject to stereotyped representations that are questionable nowadays.
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