Dreams of another World: Art, Modernity and Wealth in Jose Asuncion Silva
Asunción Silva, José, modernist aesthetics, modernity, Colombian 19th c. literatureAbstract
José Asunción Silva's work represents one of the first attempts to create an autonomous and modern art in the late ninetieth century Colombia. This paper explores Silva's reflections on the difficulties of any effort of this kind in the modern world and particularly in Colombia, as it is presented mostly (but not only) in the relationship between art andbourgeois world, and that reaches different results in different parts of his work. In a first moment, exemplified by the Carta abierta, Silva establishes a radical opposition between the world of art and the world of "practical life". De sobremesa, instead, proposes a more complex understanding of this relationship, bringing to light the ways in which the artist necessarily participates in the life-horizon of bourgeois life, especially in the experiences of luxury and sensuality.
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