Biopolitics and the Mechanisms of Control of Public Opinion in the Era of Cyberspace


  • Carlos Mario Cano Ramírez Pontifical Bolivarian University



Biopolitics, Public Opinion, Biodata, Cyberspace


The article provides a general outline of the configuration of cyberspace and how it can be read from the logic of biopolitics based on the critical view founded by Michel Foucault and continued by Maurizio Lazzarato. This critical perspective helps to understand how spaces of digital simulation do not escape from power relations, which are based on the control of the user’s movement in this virtual dimension. In this context, it is possible to establish and predict a cybernaut’s Internet activity. The analysis finds that the generation of this online social reality becomes diluted and immaterialized; as a result, the individual is substituted by Biodata, that is, by integrated information.

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Author Biography

Carlos Mario Cano Ramírez, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Psychologist. M.A. in Political Science. Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Costume Design, School of Architecture and Design, Pontifical Bolivarian University, Medellin, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Cano Ramírez, C. M. (2016). Biopolitics and the Mechanisms of Control of Public Opinion in the Era of Cyberspace. Estudios Políticos, (48), 224–242.



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