The Pacific Alliance and How Colombia Is Facing China’s Raise to Global Economic Superpower


  • Pío García Parra Faculty of Finance, Government and International Relations, Universidad Externado de Colombia



Foreing Policy, Geopolitics, Global Governance, Pacific Alliance, China, Colombia


The downing of the world trade in the aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis encouraged the association between Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia. In 2013, faithful to the neoliberal creed, they agreed to expose their productive apparatus to intense and mutual competition, in a divergent way of projects in order to expand the regional market under protectionist parameters, like Mercosur. The «deep integration» of these contries would allow them to establish a base for entering Asian markets, in partnership with the new generation of trade agreements, of which the trans-Pacific Treaty was emblematic. We examine options of joint policy for Asia from a geopolitical perspective under the hypothesis of Chinese self-limitation of its presence in Latin America options, which, at the same time, opens up opportunities for more intense economic, social and cultural exchanges with that country.

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Author Biography

Pío García Parra, Faculty of Finance, Government and International Relations, Universidad Externado de Colombia

B.A. in Philosophy and Letters. M.A. in Analysis of Contemporary Political, Economic and International Problems. PhD. in Philosophy. Researcher of the Observatory of Analysis of International Systems (OASIS), in the Center of Investigations and Special Projects (CIPE), Faculty of Finance, Government and International Relations, University Extership of Colombia.


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How to Cite

García Parra, P. (2018). The Pacific Alliance and How Colombia Is Facing China’s Raise to Global Economic Superpower. Estudios Políticos, (52), 15–35.



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