The Role of Brazilian Intelligence in the Geopolitics of Grandeza (1964-2002)




International Relations, Geopolitics, Regional Hegemony, Security, Intelligence, Brazil


Far from what most scholars have assumed, under the authoritarian regime (1964-1985) Brazil did not limit itself to importing anticommunist concepts from the United States, but it developed a conceptualization of its own aimed at transforming the country into a regional hegemon. The author’s starting assumption is that little attention has been paid to the role of Brazilian intelligence in the aspirations of the leaders of the country since the putsch of 1964, who followed the scope of achieving regional hegemony. Moreover, this article shall show that this aim has historical continuity from the authoritarian regime through democratic Brazil given the fact that intelligence was still employed to support the country’s aspirations of greatness (Grandeza) under Collor de Mello (1990-1992) and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002).

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Author Biography

Gisela da Silva Guevara, Universidad Externado de Colombia

BA in History. MA in Intelligence and Security Studies. PhD in Political Science and International Relations. Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Finances, Government and International Relations, Externado de Colombia University


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How to Cite

Guevara, G. da S. (2019). The Role of Brazilian Intelligence in the Geopolitics of Grandeza (1964-2002). Estudios Políticos, (55), 140–162.



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