The Turn to the Right in Latin America. Cruelty and the Government of the Bodies-Others in the Neoliberal Stage of the Capital
Feminist Theory, Decolonial Theory, Parastate, Necropolitics, Political Right, Latin AmericaAbstract
This article reflection seeks to answer, from a feminist de/postcolonial perspective, the question of the relationship between the recent arrival to power of right-wing governments in Latin America; the imperial dynamics of the government of the bodies that have structured the Nation-States of the region; the neoliberal stage of the capital, and what is conceptualized here as a patriarchal-colonial channeling of cruelty. The article defends that the region's ideological turn to the right is an expression of the ways in which the dynamics of the government of the bodies that have defined normality in Latin American nations have been updated to neoliberalism. It is important to assert that this government is based on a circulation of the cruelty of colonial-matrix in which suffering is channeled towards bodies relegated to the place of the Other: non-white, non-binary, non-male, etc. We will try to show how the governments of the turn have radicalized the border between the part of the population that is governed under biopolitical logics, and the Others over whom cruelty constitutes the main strategy of the government.
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