Is there a Political Economic Cycle of Public Spending in Colombia? Empirical Evidence for the Period 1960-2016




economic politics, public spending, opportunistic political economic cycles, partisan political economic cycles, Colombia


The purpose of this work was to verify the existence of economic political cycles for public spending in Colombia in the period between 1960 and 2016. To verify this, the presence of the economic political cycles proposed in the theory, the partisan cycles and the opportunist cycles, were evaluated. This was carried out through various econometric techniques, more specifically, those related to the analysis of cycles in time series. It was found that there is no conclusive evidence that suggests the existence of opportunistic or partisan economic political cycles, but at a confidence level of 90%, there is evidence that suggests that public spending in Colombia tends to have a partisan cycle; however, this result is not in accordance with what the ideological theory of Colombian political parties suggests.

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Author Biographies

Jesús Daniel Cañizares Osorio, Eafit University

Economist. Master in Economics and Applied Economics. Consultant.

Camilo Fernández Londoño, Sura Group

Economist. Master in Applied Economics. Risk analyst at Sura Group, Medellín, Colombia.

Jorge de Jesús Cañizares Arévalo, Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña University

Economist. Master in Political Science. Research professor at the Francisco de Paula Santander University, Ocaña, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Cañizares Osorio, J. D., Fernández Londoño, C., & Cañizares Arévalo, J. de J. (2022). Is there a Political Economic Cycle of Public Spending in Colombia? Empirical Evidence for the Period 1960-2016. Estudios Políticos, (63), 210–241.



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