Quality of service in sports events: the case of the Risaralda 2023 Games


  • Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Jhon Jairo Trejos Parra Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Ángela Jasmín Gómez Hincapié Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira


service quality, sports events, sports management, sports games, user satisfaction


Sporting events are crucial for their role in social interaction, sports and economic development. By assessing the quality of these services, it is possible to compare them with the expectations of the users, thus determining their level of satisfaction. The aim of this research is to identify the quality of service of the Risaralda 2023 Sports Games. The study adopted a descriptive-interpretive approach based on a theoretical review of sporting events, service quality and user satisfaction measurement using EVENTQUAL, SERVQUAL, the Perceived Service Quality Model and CAPPEP. From these instruments, a 32-item Likert-type questionnaire was developed, which was validated by experts and showed adequate statistical properties. A total of 335 people participated in the study. Statistical package SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis.The 97% of the respondents considered the impact (opportunities for the region) of the service to be high, 97% considered the service to be pleasant (generation of positive emotions), 83% were satisfied with the informative and economic aspects, 75% considered the logistics and accessibility to be high, and finally 39% thought that the service did not harm the surroundings (environment). These results not only reveal a detailed perception of the quality of the service among participants, but also highlight the social and economic impact that these sporting events can have. This assessment is crucial for public enterprises seeking to improve the organization and management of future events, and represents a strategic opportunity to optimize the effectiveness of those already established. It also provides a solid basis for implementing new strategies that not only meet but exceed user expectations, thus reinforcing the vital role of sports events as drivers of local, regional, and national development.

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How to Cite

Cardona-Triana, C. P., Trejos Parra, J. J., & Gómez Hincapié, Ángela J. (2024). Quality of service in sports events: the case of the Risaralda 2023 Games. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/expomotricidad/article/view/358734



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