The reputation of journalists and communication directors in the city of Cali


  • Ronald Arana Flórez University of Santiago de Cali
  • Germán Caicedo Prado University of Santiago de Cali


reputation, relations with mass media, directors of communication ( dircom), journalists


This research, made in the city of Santiago of Cali, looked to determine the reputation of the journalists of mass media of the city of cali and of the directors of communication (dircom) of public, privated or social companies, or organizations in the same city, from the perception that each one had of the profesional performance of the other. The theoretical bet of the investigación was to consider that the relations between communication directors and journalists of mass media were influenced by three variables or they occurred in three scenarios: the profesional, the social and the personal.

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Author Biographies

Ronald Arana Flórez, University of Santiago de Cali

Master in organizational sciences. Strategic Marketing Specialist. Organizational communication specialist. Social communicator and journalist. Teacher and researcher.

Germán Caicedo Prado, University of Santiago de Cali

Master in Political Science. Social communicator. Professor at the Santiago de Cali University. Research and Development Manager.



How to Cite

Arana Flórez, R., & Caicedo Prado, G. (2011). The reputation of journalists and communication directors in the city of Cali . Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (25), 127–148. Retrieved from


