Infamous people between crime and sin: the new feuilletonists and their moralist portrayals of the underworld

Los neofolletinistas y sus representaciones moralistas de los bajos fondos


  • Andrés Vergara Aguirre University of Antioquia


communication, comprehension as a method, new feuilletonist, sketch, christianism


José Antonio Osorio Lizarazo and Ximénez were two acknowledged new feuilletonists of Bogatan press between the 1920s and 1940s. Their sketches show the deep scar of their years in catholic schools, something that becomes evident in their portrayals of the city's underworld, where they tend to mix up crime and sin in dichotomic manichean relations: good and bad, God and Devil, heaven and hell, saints and sinners. We propose a hermeneutical reading of such portrayals in relation to the reporters' religious background.

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Author Biography

Andrés Vergara Aguirre, University of Antioquia

Doctor in History, Professor at the University of Antioquia. Director of the undergraduate degree in Letters: Hispanic Philology. Researcher member of the Group of Literary Studies.



How to Cite

Vergara Aguirre, A. (2018). Infamous people between crime and sin: the new feuilletonists and their moralist portrayals of the underworld: Los neofolletinistas y sus representaciones moralistas de los bajos fondos. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (35-36), 27–38. Retrieved from



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