Narrating evil to understand the tragedy in Colombia: the band Masacre and violence


  • Juan Camilo Arboleda Álzate University of Antioquia
  • Juan Manuel Cuartas Restrepo EAFIT University


masacre, metal, Colombia, violence, tragedy, comprehension


In this essay we will analyze the lyrics of the colombian band Masacre, which features armed violence as its main theme, as well as the tragedy that arises around it. The band resorts to real-life facts, thus mirrorring the principle of truth in the craft of news. It does not result, however, in a deviation from the use of symbols and other narrative forms enabled by music and its several and diverse components, thus weaving bridges between imagination and comprehension.

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Author Biographies

Juan Camilo Arboleda Álzate, University of Antioquia

Social Communicator-Journalist from the University of Antioquia, Master in Humanistic Studies from the Eafit University, Teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Communications, University of Antioquia, Member of the Group Studies in Journalism - GEP.

Juan Manuel Cuartas Restrepo, EAFIT University

Doctor in Philosophy, academic coordinator of the Doctorate in Humanities at Eafit University. Winner of the Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot National Essay Contest 2005-2006, of the Ministry of Culture and the Caro y Cuervo Institute, with the essay "Marvel Moreno, thirty years of women's writing".



How to Cite

Arboleda Álzate, J. C., & Cuartas Restrepo, J. M. (2018). Narrating evil to understand the tragedy in Colombia: the band Masacre and violence. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (35-36), 119–134. Retrieved from



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