El interpretar en el camino de la comprensión: hacia una semiohermenéutica desde CH. S. Peirce Y H. G. Gadamer


  • Pedro Agudelo Rendón University of Antioquia


Comprehension as a method, gadamerian philosophy, semiohermeneutic interpretation, peircean semiotics


One  of  the  fundamental  aspects  when  approaching  comprehension  as  a  method  in  the  question  of  interpretation.  What  interpretation  is  and  means is defined by what is in question regarding comprehension. This work  presents  a  semiotic  route,  following  Peirce,  and  a  hermeneutic  route, following Gadamer, in order to define the concept of interpretation and  demonstrate  its  vital  importance  for  comprehension  as  a  method.  Thus, the concept of sign —interpretation itself in its most definitive aspect. In order to achieve such objective we follow a descriptive and contrastative methodology which describes the notion of interpretation for both authors and presents their points of convergence.

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Author Biography

Pedro Agudelo Rendón, University of Antioquia

Master in Humanistic Studies. Areas of performance: visual arts, literature and semiotics. Member of the Literary Studies Group, GEL.


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How to Cite

Agudelo Rendón, P. (2019). El interpretar en el camino de la comprensión: hacia una semiohermenéutica desde CH. S. Peirce Y H. G. Gadamer. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (39), 147–156. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/338471


