En busca de un tiempo perdido
(O de la crónica judicial histórica, otra reina sin corona)
Periodismo judicial, Crónica, ArchivosAbstract
This text is a prelude to the chronicle
presented by the journalist Felipe Osorio Vergara:
The three loves of the young tailor. Triple infidelity
in the City of Antioquia 1777. The exploration of
the judicial archives with the aim of reconstruct
ing the historical facts is a challenge for journal
ists who require mastery of multiple documen
tary analysis techniques such as paleography.
The crimes and legal processes of the past are
not just a whim for the reconstruction of the
forgotten events of the past, it is to once again
highlight the voice of the characters and social
sectors that have been marginalized at different
times in history. This text explores the work of
the chronicler, which not only consists of narrat
ing, but also of in-depth research, interpreting
damaged or incomplete documents, and offering
a coherent and accessible story to the contem
porary reader. The judicial historical chronicle, as
a subgenre of the chronicle, not only facilitates
the understanding of the past, but also invites us
to reflect on the social, cultural and legal values
that have shaped daily life in past eras and that
have influenced today›s society.
Correa, C. (2011). La crónica, reina sin corona. Medellín:
Fondo Editorial Universidad Eafit.
Fiscalía General de la Nación. (2019). Manual Único de
Policía Judicial. https://acortar.link/anYH5Z
Gómez, M. y Eulalia H. (2013). Palabras de amor: Vida
erótica en fragmentos de papel. Sílaba.
Orozco, J. et al (marzo de 2017). Especial Crímenes
de otro siglo. De la Urbe N°.83. https://acortar.link/

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