El manejo de la confianza y la credibilidad periodísticas como activos intangibles en las empresas de comunicación


  • Úrsula Freundt Thurnet Freundt 9006


truth, credibility, intangible assets, financial statements, journalistic endeavor


The clear difference between “making newspapers and earning money with them and making money by making newspapers” evidences priorities and means  of  building  messages  that  not  necessarily  respond  to  the  real  jour-nalistic  endeavor.  Today,  organizations  do  not  base  themselves  on  power but on truth and in consequence it is unavoidable to recognize the worth of intangibles assets such as journalistic and managerial credibility and truth.

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Author Biography

Úrsula Freundt Thurnet Freundt, 9006

Degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Lima. Master of Business Communications (MBC) from the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima, Peru.


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How to Cite

Thurnet Freundt, Úrsula F. . . (2010). El manejo de la confianza y la credibilidad periodísticas como activos intangibles en las empresas de comunicación. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (18-19-20), 83–93. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/7320


