The portuguese literary/narrative journalism and its latinoamerican connection
literary journalism, identity, culture, historyAbstract
A study about literary journalism goes through reading of great pieces of journalistic and academic works; nevertheless, many of them belong to Anglo-Saxon countries, which lead us to the question: will not be there a mastery of concepts that not always define other international realities, such as the new journalism or the immersion? To understand what the literary journalism is, especially the Portuguese, it is necessary to begin the study of this issue collating the gender that to distinguish each nation with other international cases (as well as those belonging to English speaking countries).
In this way, and trying to understand the literary journalism practiced in Portugal, the aim of this research is overcoming this Anglo-Saxon legacy, but also it be capable to establish a connection with the journalism in the latino-American reality. This study wants to show is how this gender has similarities in both realities. For this, the history and recent culture of both spheres must be understood, defining the origins of current literary journalism, as their structural model and social influence.
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