Narrativas de vida: pesquisa, formação e transformação social


  • Adriana Barroso de Azevedo


communication, comprehension as a method, narrative research, experience, education


This essay presents narrative research and its epistemological fundaments as an alternative proposal  for  educationresearch in dialogue with the main authors that support studies invnarrative and autobiography.  Our intention is to offer a better understanding of such perspective in research as well as in teaching, since the narrative approach features this double vocation. Our proposal is based on Larrossa’s and Heidegger’s notions of experience, on the theoretical principles of the biographical approach and, fundamentally, in the narrative research of Connelly and Clandinin.  With this text we expect to contribute for improving the visibility to the debate on the two purposes of the biographical method and narrative research, investigation and education. Narrative studies are an important part of researching comprehension as a method, the  broader scope of the discussion present in this essay.

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Author Biography

Adriana Barroso de Azevedo

PhD in Social Communication from the University of São Paulo and master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Mato Grosso. Professor of the Graduate Program in Education of the Metodist University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

Barroso de Azevedo, A. (2019). Narrativas de vida: pesquisa, formação e transformação social. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (40), 29–38. Retrieved from


