Frequency of major ABO blood-group-system and the Rh factor in six rural municipalities in Antioquia and the Atrato Medio, Colombia, 2005


  • Rocío Pérez-Escobar University of Antioquia
  • Carolina Betancur-Ceballos University of Antioquia
  • Andrea C. López-Mendoza University of Antioquia
  • Juana I. Saavedra-Perea University of Antioquia
  • Leonardo A. Ríos-Osorio University of Antioquia



ABO blood-group system, Antioquia, blood transfusion, Rh-Hr blood-group system, rural population


Frequencies of ABO sanguineous groups and Rh factor are needed for institutions like blood Banks and organisms ordered of recollection or distribution of blood components to different transfusion services.
This research was carried out in order to determine the frequency of the main sanguineous groups of ABO system and Rh factor in participants living in rural area of Antioquia and in the Atrato Medio, in 2005.
Materials and methods
A descriptive retrospective study carried out with 5.627 participants proceeding from the rural area of the Antioquia and the Atrato Medio who were part of the campaign “Te apoyo Antioquia” in 2005. The collected information was analyzed statistically using software Epi-Info 2000.
The frequencies of the sanguineous groups A, B, AB and O were of 26.7%, 9.7%, 1.5%, 62.1% respectively.
93.1% of the population displayed positive Rh, while the 6.9% correspond to negative Rh factor. Additionally, it was observed that the O positive group was the more frequent with 57.5% while the negative sanguineous AB group was the less frequent.
The frequencies of the sanguineous ABO groups that found in the rural area of Antioquia and the Atrato Medio in 2005 are similar to the ones obtained by other authors in 1996 and 2006. The frequencies of the positive Rh factor found are superior to the ones obtained by the researchers.
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Author Biographies

Rocío Pérez-Escobar, University of Antioquia

Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratorian, Hematology Specialist, Clinical Laboratory and Blood Bank Management, Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy in Education, Hematology Professor, Hemopathology Research Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia- Colombia. 

Carolina Betancur-Ceballos, University of Antioquia

Microbiologist and Bioanalyst, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Medellin -Colombia.

Andrea C. López-Mendoza, University of Antioquia

Microbiologist and Bioanalyst, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Medellin Colombia.

Juana I. Saavedra-Perea, University of Antioquia

Student of Microbiology and Bioanalysis, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Medellin-Colombia.

Leonardo A. Ríos-Osorio, University of Antioquia

Specialist in Basic Biomedical Sciences, Human Parasitology Area. PhD. in Sustainability, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Professor at the School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. 


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How to Cite

Pérez-Escobar, R., Betancur-Ceballos, C., López-Mendoza, A. C., Saavedra-Perea, J. I., & Ríos-Osorio, L. A. . (2011). Frequency of major ABO blood-group-system and the Rh factor in six rural municipalities in Antioquia and the Atrato Medio, Colombia, 2005. Hechos Microbiológicos, 1(2), 27–33.



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