The nurse teacher. Construction of a new professional identity.


  • Mariela Patricia Aguayo Gonzalez RN, Ph.D. Candidate, Universidad Blanquerna, Spain.
  • Carles Monereo Ph.D., Professor, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain.



Faculty, nursing; nurse’s role; critical period (Psychology).


Objective. To represent how a new identity is being constructed by nurses initiating their activities as teachers.

Methodology. In 2010, a descriptive-interpretative qualitative research was conducted of four cases of nurse teachers from Nursing Schools. Aspects of teacher identity and management of critical incidents in the classroom were reviewed. The information was obtained through a structured survey and the data underwent analysis of contents.

Results. The nurses surveyed state that the teaching exercise is a culmination stage of clinical nursing. Teaching confers them stability in their professional life; however, they report that the complexity of the educational practice poses a big challenge. They feel responsible for the formation of future nursing professionals. In spite of defining themselves as constructivists in the way of teaching, they are governed by a technical conception on the way of approaching the educational practice. They attribute the critical incidents to which they are exposed to the types of students entering the universities; these turn out uncomfortable and do not feel responsible for their development. These incidents are lessons to better face similar situations in the future.

Conclusion. The nurses participating in this study are facing their new role as teachers of human resource, seeking to construct a new identity different from what they had when working in direct care of individuals.

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How to Cite

Aguayo Gonzalez, M. P., & Monereo, C. (2012). The nurse teacher. Construction of a new professional identity. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 30(3).

