The family as a unit of analysis: a challenge for nursing


  • Cristina G. Vivar RN, Ph.D. Professor Universidad de Navarra. Member of the Editorial Committee of Investigación y Educación en Enfermería. email:



The concept of the family as a unit of analysis is an area being investigated from different disciplines like nursing, medicine, or sociology. Its interest has been growing upon identifying vulnerable families like those with a loved one with dependency or those enduring a chronic process, who have a series of necessities that must be studied to be effectively addressed by healthcare teams. This matter was dealt with in depth during the 11th International Congress on Family Nursing held in June 2013 in Minneapolis (USA), congregating 433 participants from 27 countries.1

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(1) Bell J. Highlights from the 11th International Family Nursing Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 19-22, 2013. J Fam Nurs. 2013; 19(3): 291-4.

(2) Wright LM, Leahey M. Nurses and families: A guide to family assessment and intervention. 5° ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company; 2009.

(3) Pérez-Peñaranda, A. Enfermedad crónica, familia cuidadora y dependencia. Germany: Editorial académica española; 2012.

(4) Pérez A, García L, Rodríguez E, Losada A, Porras N, Gómez N. Función familiar y salud mental del cuidador de familiares con dependencia. Aten Primaria. 2009; 41(11):621-8.

(5) Chesla CA. Do family interventions improve health? J Fam Nurs 2010; 16(4):355-77.

(6) 6. Hartmann M, Bäzner E, Wild B, Eisler I, Herzog W. Effects of interventions involving the family in the treatment of adult patients with chronic physical diseases: a meta-analysis. Psychother Psychosom. 2010; 79(3):136-48.

(7) Canga Armayor AM, Vivar CG, Naval Duran C. Dependencia y familia cuidadora: reflexiones para un abordaje familiar. An Sist Sanit Navar. 2011; 34(3):463-9.



How to Cite

G. Vivar, C. (2013). The family as a unit of analysis: a challenge for nursing. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 31(3).

