Perception of premature infants’ mothers on home visits before and after hospital discharge


  • Luana Cristine dos Santos Nurse, Specialist. Eulalino Ignácio de Andrade Hospital, Londrina, Brazil. email:
  • Talita Balaminut Nurse, Specialist. University Hospital at the State University of Londrina –UEL-, Brazil. email:
  • Sarah Nancy Deggau Hegeto de Souza Nurse, PhD. Professor, UEL, Brazil. email:
  • Edilaine Giovanini Rossetto Nurse, PhD. Professor, UEL, Brazil. email:



Home visit, family, infant, premature, patient discharge.


Objective. To understand the meaning of home visits by neonatal nurses for mothers of premature babies.

Methodology. A qualitative study was conducted with 21 mothers of families participating in a project that supported families of premature infants, born at a university hospital in the city of Londrina, Brazil. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured individual interviews, using a form with the identification data of mothers and an interview script.

Results. Three themes were revealed: the home visit as a support to the family, individualized home care, feeling cared for and supported in performing the baby’s care.

Conclusion. The home visit from the perspective of longitudinal care was a powerful resource that promoted the link between families and nurses, decreasing doubts, fears and anxieties of the mother. In addition, home care was provided and adherence to care and treatment was encouraged.


How to cite this article: Santos LC, Balaminut T, Souza SNDH, Rossetto EG. Perception of premature infants’ mothers on home visits before and after hospital discharge. Invest Educ Enferm. 2014; 32(3): 

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How to Cite

dos Santos, L. C., Balaminut, T., Deggau Hegeto de Souza, S. N., & Giovanini Rossetto, E. (2014). Perception of premature infants’ mothers on home visits before and after hospital discharge. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 32(3).

