Emotional state of primigravid women with pregnancy susceptible to prolongation


  • Ana Belén López Araque RN, Máster. Hospital de Valdepeñas, Spain. email: anitaliis@hotmail.com.
  • Mª Dolores López Medina RN, Ph.D candidate. Universidad de Jaén, España. email: lolalo20@hotmail.com.
  • Manuel Linares Abad RN, Ph.D. Universidad de Jaén, España. email: mlinares@ujaen.es.




Qualitative research, pregnancy, midwifery, emotions.


Objective. This study sought to know the perception of the emotional state of women with pregnancy susceptible to prolongation.

Methodology. The research was conducted with qualitative descriptive methodology, founded on in-depth individual interviews of 7 gestants susceptible to prolongation, with ages between 21 and 32 years and duration of the pregnancy comprised between 40+5 and 41+4 weeks.

Results. The emotional state varies throughout the pregnancy; once the probable date of delivery has passed, the emotional well-being is altered by fear of pain during delivery, possible complications, and caring for the newborn, presenting a state of nervousness due to the imminent delivery. In addition, the women described the need for the presence of a companion during and after the delivery.

Conclusion.  Fear can affect negatively the subjective experience of the pregnancy during its final phase, the delivery process, and the transition to maternity in gestants with pregnancy susceptible to prolongation. These women need support and specific education from the midwife according to their individual needs.


How to cite this article: López AB, López MD, Linares M. Emotional state of primigravid women with pregnancy susceptible to prolongation. Invest Educ Enferm. 2015; 33(1):

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How to Cite

López Araque, A. B., López Medina, M. D., & Linares Abad, M. (2015). Emotional state of primigravid women with pregnancy susceptible to prolongation. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 33(1). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.21892

