Evaluation of the Nursing Care Offered during the Parturition Process. Controlled Clinical Trial of an Intervention based on Swanson’s Theory of Caring versus Conventional Care


  • María Alejandra Ortega Barco Nurse, Masters. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, at Bogotá (Colombia). email: maortegab@unal.edu.co
  • Lucy Muñoz de Rodríguez Nurse, Masters. Professor emeritus, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, at Bogotá (Colombia). email: lmunozdr@unal.edu.co




Nursing care, behavior rating scale, labor, obstetric, parturition, controlled clinical trial.


Objective. This work sought to compare the evaluation of the nursing care provided during the parturition process in the intervention group based on Swanson’s theory of caring versus that of the control group that received conventional care.

Methods. Preventive-type controlled clinical trial conducted in a tier II hospital in San Gil, Santander (Colombia). During the parturition process, the intervention group received care based on Swanson’s theory of caring (n=20) and the control group received conventional care (n=23). During immediate postpartum, the mothers were applied the Professional care rating scale by Swanson, validated into Spanish in Colombia.

Results. Assessment of professional care in the intervention group was Excellent with an average for the scale total of 59.8 points of a possible maximum of 60 points, while in the control group it was Good with 50.2 (p<0.0001). In the 15 items that make up the scale and in both subscales (Compassionate Healer and Competent Healer) higher scores were also observed in the intervention group compared to those of the control group.

Conclusion. The intervention derived from Swanson’s theory of caring was associated to a better evaluation of professional nursing care by women during the parturition process.


How to cite this article: Ortega MA, Muñoz L. Evaluation of the Nursing Care Offered during the Parturition Process. Controlled Clinical Trial of an Intervention based on Swanson’s Theory of Caring versus Conventional Care.  Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2018; 36(1):e05.

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Author Biography

María Alejandra Ortega Barco, Nurse, Masters. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, at Bogotá (Colombia). email: maortegab@unal.edu.co



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How to Cite

Ortega Barco, M. A., & Muñoz de Rodríguez, L. (2018). Evaluation of the Nursing Care Offered during the Parturition Process. Controlled Clinical Trial of an Intervention based on Swanson’s Theory of Caring versus Conventional Care. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 36(1). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v36n1e05

