Care from the cultural perspective in women with physiological pregnancy: a meta-ethnography
Culture, pregnancy, transcultural nursing, qualitative research, review literature as topic.Abstract
Objective. This work sought to conduct an interpretative synthesis of qualitative studies on the phenomenon of care from the cultural perspective in women with physiological pregnancy.
Methods. The Meta-ethnography method was used with the seven traditional phases by Noblit and Hare to describe the knowledge derived from the results of qualitative studies with relation to the study phenomenon. A bibliographic search was carried out in seven databases. Twenty-nine qualitative studies were pre-selected of which 23 complied with the quality criteria of the Critical Appraisal Skills Program.
Results. Upon synthesizing the studies selected, 12 thematic categories emerged: pregnancy: a natural phenomenon in the woman’s life; spirituality and family support; the midwife; positive and negative feelings; physical exercise; comfort and rest; feeding; avoid consumption of non-beneficial substances; intrauterine stimulation; heat and cold; sexuality during pregnancy; and traditional beliefs and myths.
Conclusion. Synthesis of the studies permitted developing a line of argument, which reveals that the care practices of pregnant women have a cultural legacy of beliefs, values, myths, and customs that are aimed at guaranteeing the protection of the mother and of her unborn child.
How to cite this article: Ulloa-Sabogal IM, Muñoz L. Care from the Cultural Perspective in Women with Physiological Pregnancy: a Meta-Ethnography. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2019; 37(1):e03.
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