Analysis of YouTube videos about urinary catheterization technique of male delay


  • Flávia Barreto Tavares Chiavone Undergraduate in Nursing. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN, Brazil. email:
  • Larissa de Lima Ferreira Undergraduate in Nursing. UFRN, Brazil. email:
  • Pétala Tuani Candido de Oliveira Salvado Nurse, PhD. Professor, UFRN, Brazil. email:
  • Cláudia Cristiane Filgueira Martins Rodrigues Nurse, PhD. Professor, UFRN, Brazil. email:
  • Kisna Yasmin Andrade Alves Andrade Alves Nurse, PhD. Professor, UFRN, Brazil. email:
  • Viviane Euzébia Pereira Santos Nurse, PhD. Professor, UFRN, Brazil. email:



Antisepsis, gloves, protective, hand disinfection, male, nursing, urinary catheterization, therapeutics, instructional films and videos.


Objective. To analyze the execution of urinary catheterization technique of male delay in YouTube videos.

Methods. This is an exploratory research with a quantitative approach, performed using the YouTube sharing site. The search of the videos was conducted in September 2014, using the controlled descriptor “urinary catheterization”.

Results. 32 videos were analyzed, none were in accordance with the standards established in the literature; among the main errors highlight the absence of hand washing (78.1%), the absence of the medical recording (71.8%), the absence of cleaning and drying of the patient at the end of the procedure (71.8%), the incorrect technique during antisepsis (62.5%) and the absence of gloves changes (59.3%).

Conclusion. Although the YouTube sharing video site is currently a widespread tool, there is an absence of videos that reproduce the technique according to what is recommended in the literature.


How to cite this article: Chiavone FBT, Ferreira LL, Salvador PTCO, Martis CCF, Alves KYA, Santos VEP. Analysis of YouTube videos about urinary catheterization technique of male delay. Invest Educ Enferm. 2016; 34(1): 171-179

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How to Cite

Tavares Chiavone, F. B., de Lima Ferreira, L., de Oliveira Salvado, P. T. C., Filgueira Martins Rodrigues, C. C., Andrade Alves, K. Y. A. A., & Pereira Santos, V. E. (2016). Analysis of YouTube videos about urinary catheterization technique of male delay. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 34(1).




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