Stressful situations and factors in students of nursing in clinical practice


  • Eliana Ofélia Llapa Rodrigues RN, Ph.D. Professor Universidade Federal de Sergipe –UFS, Aracaju-SE, Brazil. email:
  • Daniel Almeida Marques Undergraduate student. UFS, Aracaju-SE, Brazil. email:
  • David Lopes Neto RN, Ph.D. Professor Universidade Federal do Amazonas –UFAM, Aracaju-SE, Brazil. email:
  • María José López Montesinos RN, Ph.D. Professor, Universidade de Murcia –UM, Murcia-ES, Espanha. email:
  • Adriana Sousa Amado de Oliveira RN, MSc. candidate. UFS, Aracaju-SE, Brazil. email:



Cross-sectional studies, nursing, practical, risk factors, stress, psychological, students, questionnaires.


Objective. To assess the risk factors for stress in undergraduate students of nursing in clinical practice in a public university in the Northeast region of Brazil.

Methods. Cross-sectional descriptive study with 116 students from the fifth to the ninth period. The bilingual KEZKAK questionnaire, validated for Portuguese, was used. Stress was considered to be present when the score was equal or superior to 2.

Results. The students with stress in clinical practice were 18 to 22 years old (2.82 ± 0.98), women (2.81 ± 0.96), married (2.80 ± 0.97), and who were permanent contracted employees (2.74 ± 0.94). The factors which were most associated with stress were: Lack of competence (2.99 ± 0.88); Impotence and uncertainty (2.98 ± 0.85); and Patients seeking a closer relationship (2.93 ± 1.01). The students  of the sixth period were the most vulnerable to stress (2.85±0.96).

Conclusion. The studies showed the main risk factors for stress among students of nursing in their clinical practice. These results could be used in the development of strategies  seeking to reduce stress in this context as well as to contribute to promoting mental health.

How to cite this article: Llapa-Rodriguez EO, Marques DA, Neto DL, López-Montesinos MJ, Oliveira ASA. Stressful situations and factors in students of nursing in clinical practice. Invest Educ Enferm. 2016; 34(1): 211-220

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How to Cite

Llapa Rodrigues, E. O., Almeida Marques, D., Lopes Neto, D., López Montesinos, M. J., & de Oliveira, A. S. A. (2016). Stressful situations and factors in students of nursing in clinical practice. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 34(1).




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