Objectives: 1- To explore ideas and attitudes regarding, the use of contraceptive methods by adolescents from two “comunas” in the city Cali. 2- To determine factors that hinders the practice of contraceptive methods.
Methodology: Focal groups of pregnant adolescents and their partners and adolescent not pregnant and their male friends from Cali city were studied.
Results: It was found that the lack of kwowlegde, the life project, responsibility and fear were issues considered in the results. The model PRECEDE-PROCEDE for organizing the data was utilized.
Discussion: Sexuality still is a taboo theme deserving awareness it in the public agenda. Lack of knowledge and negative attitudes are obstacles for using contraceptives. This has been reported also by other authors. Maternity is considered by women as a source of life fulfillment. It is important to stress that maternity is not alone for the woman and that it should involve the partner as well.
Conclusions: Young people need to overcome misconceptions. To decide for themselves they require orientation and encouragement. It is important to stress that maternity is not for women alone since it is the entire responsibility of couples.
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