From BIC to BIT: nurse’s attitude toward computers


  • M.ª Dolores Burguete Ramos Hospital Universitario la Fe
  • José Ramón Martínez Riera Universidad de Alicante
  • Javier Cebrián Doménech Hospital Universitario la Fe



The nursing personnel training for the use of computers has been approached by trial and error.

In 1986 Brudt and Stronge draw a questionnaire for 185 nurses of a hospital in the United States. Its objective was to know the attitudes of the nursing professionals and students in relation to computers and to value the relationship between the study different variables and the availability and the utilization of computers

Subjects and methods. It was a transversal descriptive study. The representative size of the sample was calculates through the variable qualitative formula where Z was 95%; pxq was 0,25; precision ≤ 5%; assumed losses 20%. The survey comprised 399 subjects. A X base was created and SPSS ® was utilized for the bimultivariant statistical analysis.

Results: males think that computers increase the workload (p=0,027) and diminish communication (p.0,025). Women think that computes use dues not violate the patient’s intimacy (p.0,010). Men think that computer use improves the quality of care (p=0,024) while they are less anxious about the loss of manpower (p=0,24). The female nurses think that computers use diminish the communication lines (0,0001) and ≤lead to better care (p=0,022), but they reject that computers were used only for management (p=0,012). ";Computers are not compatible with nursing"; (p=0,012).when the adjustment proceeds by the multiple regression model only the patient´s loss of intimacy worries more the women (op=0,047)

Conclusions: There is positive attitude towards computer use. There are significant differences according to sex. Female nurses are more positive than ancillary staff and students. They do not fear the loss of manpower because of computer use.

Key Words: computers, bit, computers-nursing, nursing, informatics science

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Author Biographies

M.ª Dolores Burguete Ramos, Hospital Universitario la Fe

Enfermera. Profesora titular E.U.E. Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de València. Responsable del Área de Conocimiento, Hospital Universitario La Fe, València

José Ramón Martínez Riera, Universidad de Alicante

Enfermero. Licenciado en Enfermería, Hogescool Zeeland. Profesor, Departamento Salud Pública, Universidad de Alicante

Javier Cebrián Doménech, Hospital Universitario la Fe

Doctor en Medicina. U.C.I. Hospital Universitario La Fe, València Avda. Campanar 21 (Hospital La Fe) Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. 46009 València



How to Cite

Burguete Ramos, M. D., Martínez Riera, J. R., & Cebrián Doménech, J. (2008). From BIC to BIT: nurse’s attitude toward computers. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 22(2).

