Human genomics and its impact on public health
This article presents an overview of the relationship between human genomics and public health. Departing from a review of the available literature, it points out some important areas for future research and action in the field.
Initially, the article exposes the relationship between science and life, explaining how one of the ultimate goals of science has been to answer problems posed by life itself in an attemp to improve its conditions. This is followed by a description of the main areas of present or potential application of newly acquiered genomic knowledge in the field of public health, including the detection of predisposition to disease, the study of the genetic components of human behavior and a change in our self-perception and the perception of our relationships with other species. The article then focuses on the ethical, technical, political and educational dilemmas that arise when attempting to use or limit the use of present or predictable applications of genomic knowledge.
A new proposal is then presented. It suggest the possibility that advances in human genomics may be the cornerstone of a new and integrative paradigm that brings together the social and biological dimensions of human knowledge. This would overcome an ancient antagonism and open the doors for a new kind of scientific dialogue.
Key words: Life and science, Human Genome, Public Health.
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