Virtual Health Library in Nursing for Colombia: a New Scientific Communication Portal
Scientific communication is understood as a set of socially shared dynamic processes and efforts, through which scientific knowledge is created, shared, and used. These processes also offer means and conditions for social interaction among the members of scientific communities, contributing to the production, dissemination, and use of knowledge and, consequently, to the advancement of science. (1) With technological progress, new tools have emerged from communication and information technologies (CIT) to disseminate scientific knowledge. The Virtual Health Library in Nursing (VHL in Nursing) is part of these new scenarios as thematic cooperation network and is an initiative from the region of IberoAmerica, which seeks to promote access to scientific information on nursing and establish alliances to maximize the shared use of CIT and collections of sources of information in Nursing.(2)
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(6) Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería Colombia.[cited 18 Sep 2017]. Available from:
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(8) Cano-Serna DA, Correa-Bolívar NA, Flórez-Rendón WA, Giraldo-Giraldo YD, Monsalve-Cuervo MK, Restrepo-Otálvaro AF. Management of resources in nursing: beyond leadership. Our will to be and do. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2013; 31(2): 315-8.
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