Analysis of the concept of powerlessness in individuals with stroke


  • Renan Alves Silva Nurse, Master. Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. email:
  • Álissan Karine Lima Martins Nurse, Ph.D. Professor, Regional University of Cariri, Brazil. email:
  • Natália Barreto de Castro Nurse, Master. Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. email:
  • Anna Virgínia Viana Nurse, Master. Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. email:
  • Howard Karl Butcher Nurse, Ph.D. Center for Nursing Classification and Clinical Effectiveness. College of Nursing. University of Iowa, USA. email:
  • Viviane Martins da Silva Nurse, Ph.D. Professor, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. email:



Helplessness, learned, stroke, standardized nursing terminology, concept formation, nursing diagnosis.


Objective: To identify and analyze the concept of the powerlessness in individuals with stroke, according to the NANDA-I Taxonomy.

Methods. Concept analysis from online access of four databases using the descriptors: impotence; helplessness, learned; Stroke, depression in languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Results. The critical attributes of the feeling of powerlessness are: fragility, helplessness, lack of control, and power to chieve  the proposed results for recovery and adaptation. Eleven new antecedents were found. It is recommended to reformulate three antecedents present in the taxonomy. Fourteen consequent were found. It is suggested to amend three consequential from the review.

Conclusion. With the analysis, a more complete concept of the powerlessness was elaborated allowing clarifying the critical attributes that, in turn, will help the rehabilitating nurse to recognize the signs and symptoms and to strengthen mechanisms of tolerance and resistance to stress.


How to cite this article: Silva RA, Martins AKL, Castro NB, Viana AV, Butcher HK, Silva VM. Analysis of the concept of powerlessness in individuals with stroke. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2017; 35(3):306-319.

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How to Cite

Alves Silva, R., Lima Martins, Álissan K., Barreto de Castro, N., Viana, A. V., Butcher, H. K., & Martins da Silva, V. (2017). Analysis of the concept of powerlessness in individuals with stroke. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 35(3).




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