Formation in Social Responsibility of Nursing Professionals: a Brazilian Perspective


  • Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca Nurse. Senior Full Professor, Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brazilian Nursing Association (Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem –ABEn- in portuguese); Brazil. email:
  • Dulce Aparecida Barbosa Nurse. Associate Professor, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo; ABEn; Brazil. email:
  • Emiko Yoshikawa Egry Nurse. Senior Full Professor. Universidade de Sao Paulo; ABEn; Brazil. email:




The Brazilian Nursing Association (Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem in portuguese ABEn), since its creation 91 years ago, has been dedicated to the defense of education in nursing at all levels. Given that it is a scientific-cultural entity, it is also responsible for the transmission of the profession’s ethos, which in modern societies has also been done through formal education. Additionally, the Association participates strongly on the formulation of public policies in education and health, with representation in numerous instances of government decision. We postulate that nursing education should envision much more than the technical-scientific preparation of the professional graduating from our teaching institutions: its purpose must be that of educating political social subjects capable of acting responsibly and transforming reality, especially in reducing the vast inequalities of the society in which we live, like, for example, lack of access to the healthcare system by a good part of the population.(1)



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(1) Fonseca RMGS, Barbosa DA, Egry EY. Ciudadanía, Liderazgo y Ética: bases para la Formación en Responsabilidad Social de los Profesionales de Enfermería. In:ALADEFEXIV Conferencia Iberoamericana de Educación en Enfermería. Lima, Perú: ALADEFE; 2017 [cited 15 May 2018]. Available from:

(2) Moraes MC. Saberes para uma cidadania planetária. UNESCO, Governo do Estado do Ceará, UCE, ECB: Fortaleza. Ceará: 2016 [15 May 2018]. Available from:

(3) Heller, Agnes. Aristóteles y el mundo antiguo. Barcelona: Península; 1983.

(4) Guedes RN, Silva ATMC, Fonseca RMGS. The violence of gender and health-disease process of women. Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm. 2009; 13(3):625-31.

(5) Egry EY, Fonseca RMGS, Oliveira MAC. Ciência, Saúde Coletiva e Enfermagem: destacando as categorias gênero e geração na episteme da práxis. Rev. Bras. Enferm. 2013; 66(spe):119-33.



How to Cite

Serpa da Fonseca, R. M. G., Aparecida Barbosa, D., & Yoshikawa Egry, E. (2018). Formation in Social Responsibility of Nursing Professionals: a Brazilian Perspective. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 36(2).




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