An International Year to Celebrate Nursing
On 16 May 2019, the 72nd World Health Assembly designated 2020 as the International Year of Nursing. The decision was made by bearing in mind the substantial contribution made by this profession to the population’s health, and that this year marks the bicentennial of the birth of Florence Nightingale, one of the founders of modern nursing.(1)
How to cite this article: Rodríguez MA. An International Year to Celebrate Nursing. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2020; 38(1):e01.
(1) World Health Organization. 2020: International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife Report by the Director-Genera.
Geneve: WHO. 2019 [cited 21 Jan 2020]. Available from:
(2) World Health Organization. Year of the Nurse and the Midwife 2020. Geneve: WHO. 2019 [cited 21 Jan 2020].
Available from:
(3) Rodríguez-Gázquez. MA, Chaparro-Hernández SJ, Rojas-Minota WM. Scientific production of the journal
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería during its 30 editing years. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2013;31(3):341-53.
How to Cite
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